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Re: philippians 1:21-23


Grace, Mercy, and Peace unto you,
from God, our Father, and our Lord JC.

Philippians 1:21-23 (KJV)
"For to me to live [is] Christ, and to die [is] gain. But if I live in the flesh, this [is] the fruit of my labour: yet what I shall choose I wot not. For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better:"

Notice, by the ":", there's still more (1:24) to this topic, aka:
"Nevertheless to abide in the flesh [is] more needful for you".

Previously, in places like Romans 6:11, Paul noted being "dead to sin" (aka dead to law: imputes sin, and is the strength of sin) is what makes us "alive unto God" (aka alive unto Grace), which is "through Jesus Christ" (not through Christ Jesus); And in 1Corinthians 15:31 Paul talks of "die daily", not just once; Which is allegory for flush law as dung daily, to be rid of confusion.

Such is just saying to get into Adam2 mode, aka spirit, we first leave Adam1 mode, aka soul; Which is just allegory for to get in grace mode we leave law mode in our mind, by daily renewal, in much the same manner as we have a toilet dump daily to be rid of the shit we ate that got processed into the "be thou removed from me" sector of the body. So by faith we say to the law: be thou removed from me and go jump in the dead sea: Mark 11:23. Yet we also do it daily, in order to be renewed daily. For many are still saying 'rule of law' witch gives life to this beast.

Notice the topic in Philippians 1 is allegorically as if JC talking to CJ (CJ is reverse of JC, and the reverse has the curse); And in Philippians 3 Paul notably turns descending CJ around to ascending JC to "win"; For in CJ mode the best you can hope for is "place", aka a "place" in the Hebrew tongue called harmageddon: Rev 16. So Paul says neither give "place" to the devil (aka the law) in Ephesians 4:27.

In Hebrews 9 Paul notes to establish grace we have to make law the dead testator; For a testament is of no force until the testator is dead; And it was law that testified of grace to come, so law has to become dead testator for grace to be of force. So in Star Wars it says 'use the force Luke', which is allegory for use the grace, which requires let go of the law.

Paul would rather "depart" (aka return) and be "with Christ", which in Colossians 3 is "above": 'ano'; Which is above where Jesus sat "down": Heb 1:13 & 10:13; Kinda like Sion is above Zion if the dew of Sion descends on Zion. Yet there is also 'epi' later in Col 3, which is even above the 'ano'. It's kinda like Justified trumps Dustified, but Sanctified also trumps Justified.

So even when justified there's more to go on unto;
kinda like (great --> greater) --> greatest of 3,
also like (good --> better) --> best = rest;
so don't stop at greater (than Solomon) mode,
for greater can also be greater damnation: Mt 23.
So also better isn't yet best, nor yet true rest.

Hope that made some sense, for I tend to speak allegoric instead of English now; And both to reveal + conceal, but also conceal in plain sight; So as to solve the mystery but also retain the mystery aspect unto the end... if you can comprehend such an aspect of a "steward of the mysteries" like Paul, or like me.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ [be] with you all. Amen.