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Beyond Better Mode

Bible, containing Old and New things for comparison and contrast, notes a plural (them/us) God provided some "better" things for "us" by Son, in "last days" of time past/last days. This is especially noted in Hebrews 1, and Hebrews 11:40.

Example of "better" things:
- a "better testament"
- having a "better hope"
- and "better sacrifices"
- via a "better covenant"
- having "better promises"
- like a "better resurrection"

What's also contained in the same Bible is this idea:
Better mode is not yet what's Best, nor yet true Rest.
So, to go on unto what is Best, we leave Better mode;
which involves "leaving" plural God mode for God is one.
Plural God only provided "better" of good, better, best.

Better mode is not yet what's Best, nor yet true Rest.
It's kinda like born again is to see. Enter is beyond.
Lay hold on eternal life is beyond right of L/R fight.
A more excellent way is beyond both broad/narrow ways.
The third day is beyond both time past and last days.
God is one: Best is beyond plural God's Good/Better.

Allegoric Picture:
(time past<--plural God-->last days)-->third day.
(4001-1BC<--plural God-->1-2001AD)-->now 2012AD.
(Broad<--plural God-->Narrow)-->More Excellent.
(Worse<--plural God-->Better)--> What is Best.
(Great<--plural God-->Greater)-->Greatest.

Greatest of 3 things: Perfect Love (God)
is above & beyond Greater of two things.

Rest: Best of Good, Better, Best
is above and beyond Better mode.

God is one above the twain
isn't the better of twain.

Better of twain isn't Best nor Rest.

2Timothy 3:1, along with Jude 1:5,
gives us a very good reason we're to
leave both time past and last days:
such were both peril them + peril us.

Higher than the heavens is
neither of heavens on high.

Third day (not plural nor millennial)
is neither of time past nor last days.

So, like it or not, and know it or not,
we're already a decade beyond last days.

What now? Iff we don't leave worse/better,
such twain can get reversed to better/worse,
by first shall be last & last shall be first.
What then? The last state of that man is worse.
What then? State of emergency: wail is heard ww.
Why? Many say the old is better, so rule of law.
Then the day of the LORD is darkness, not light.
It's like flee from a lion, only to meet a bear.

Let's leave better mode to go on to what's best.