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Paul and sacrifice - a bloody mess?

If Mr. Whiskers might chime in,
We both know animal sacrifice or any blood sacrifice was never wanted by God. So why does Paul always make reference and compare Jesus's death to the OT animal sacrifices? Is this just another of the so-called "learning stories" or is it that Paul knew nothing of the real God? Seems to me Paul knew more about the "devil" than God. The "devil" would deal in blood sacrifice and not God! NOt that I blame the "devil". People created evil, not God or the "devil".

This seems strange to Mr. Whiskers and makes him (or her:) go MEOW!
Got to go, I hear milk being poured. Meow

Re: Paul and sacrifice - a bloody mess?

Mr. Whiskers thinks you speak of a this God and that God. Paul seems to speak of "that" God when talking about blood sacrifice washing away our sins. Who is "that" God. "That" God is the god of sacrifice, who is the "devil". Mr. Whiskers is puzzled! Please explain to Mr. Whiskers. Yummy milk for the kitty!

Re: Re: Paul and sacrifice - a bloody mess?

This God: will have sacrifice and not mercy.
That God: will have mercy, and not sacrifice.

That God: is light having no darkness at all.

Be ye reconciled (thru J-->C)-->to that God.
(Paul The Apostle: 2Corinthians 5)

Re: Paul and sacrifice - a bloody mess?

Paul is a faithful "steward" of the "mysteries" of God; Both a clever revealer and a clever concealer.

Try connecting your biblical dots, grasshopper.

Take heed 101 = be not deceived.
Give more earnest heed 201 = escape.