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Define the word "Impute"

Greetings (again),

Could you please define the word "Impute" and describe your understanding of how the word is used throughout the entire bible?
Impute, Imputed, Imputeth, Imputing.

Re: Define the word "Impute"

Dear JK,

Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Impute, imputeth, imputed: is used 12 times in the Bible. It generally means to account, to charge, or to reckon something to one's account. It can either be associated with iniquity (sin, error) being imputed by law; Or righteousness being imputed by grace. The word is used most often (seven times) in Romans (which also has seven Amens). Romans is written to both Jews and Gentiles, and notably has two things mentioned twice (for Jews and Gentiles):
- ye/we are not under the law, but under grace x2
- the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all x2

The Psalms 32:1 mention of impute is repeated in Romans 4:8, as the better of two (good/better) sorts of blessed: law blessed vs grace blessed allegorically compared in Psalms 32:1,2 and again in Romans 4:7,8:
- blessed the man to whom the LORD will not impute sin

Romans 5:13 says "sin is not imputed when there is no law". So it reasons law imputes sin (iniquity, error, accusation, condemnation; and consequences of law imputed sin: wrath, indignation, anguish, fear(torment), infirmity, destruction, even death). On the contrary grace imputes no sin to any, but rather constructive things like righteousness, truth, maturity, awareness (understanding), and eternal life.

Such is confirmed by noting "the law is not of faith" in Galatians 3:11, and "that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God" in Galatians 3:12. For Romans 14:23 notes "whatsoever is not of faith is sin". So connecting these biblical dots we learn law is the root source of sin imputation, and the "strength" ("strong man": Mt 12:29) of sin's death sting: 1Corinthians 15:56; James 1:15.

Law: against us (all)
Grace: with you all

Generally, if we reckon all the no enter (not come) verses, we find law imputes sin, unbelief, accusation, condemnation, a curse, and even ministrates death unto all. So by law, none enter; As with those of Exodus: none of the originals entered the promised land, not even Moses, who gave the law. So Romans 2 clarifies law judging others as sinners is "inexcusable" and self-condeming with consequences. On the contrary if we reckon all the enter (come) verses, we find grace includes all. For there is no respect of persons with God. So it comes down to law or grace; Law being both good and evil (ends badly), Grace being good only (ends good).

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Re: Define the word "Impute"

Grace does not impute righteousness. Grace does not "impute" anything. The only job of Grace is to give.

It is the Law which does the imputing, and it imputes sin to the wicked and righteousness to the righteous.
See my continued reply in this thread:

Re: Re: Define the word "Impute"

Dear JK,

Grace(not law) unto you, and peace(not division),
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

JK: Thanks for sharing your question and your opinion about my reply to it. I'm always open to scrutiny; For how else can truth be known to be truth unless it is scrutinized. As Paul said: evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. Full proof speaks of evidence, and of what's evident from the evidence. Paul notes what's "evident" from all the biblical evidence is "that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God": Galatians 3:12. Rather, if justified by the law (OT Law or NT Law), then you're fallen from grace(above) to law(below), and then Christ(the end of the law) is of no effect to you: Galatians 5:4. So fallen from grace is as fallen from "higher" to "on high" where there's potential of being cast down even if right or told to depart if left of left/right division on high. Above it there's peace, not division. So it is written Christ ascended to heaven: "higher than the heavens" on high, and Christ "sitteth" right of that God: Seated denoting peace(rest), and that the matter of law vs grace is forever settled in Christ, who abolished the law, thereby ending the division. Christ is not divided. Jesus is divided, or divides goats vs sheep, as Son of Man; But Son of Man should repent: Numbers 23:19, and Son of Man is Noahic & Sodomic vengeful: Luke 17. What comes out the mouth of one like Son of Man in Revelation 1:16 is a sharp twoedged sword; But the word of God is "sharper than any twoedged sword": Hebrews 4:12. Furthermore it's what comes out the mouth that defiles man: Matthew 15:11; And if it's both bless(grace) and curse(law) the result is "accursed": Galatians 1:8,9. So both bless(grace) and curse(law) ought not to come out the same (JC) mouth: James 3. Rather bless and curse not; whether it be to friend or foe.

I have found the law not only imputes sin, and law is the strength (strong man) of sin's death sting, and thereby law is the "ministration of death"; But law also imputes unpardonable sin, both in this world and the to come (if law were the to come, instead of being abolished). And when looking at blasphemy the Ghost, as if such is speaking against the Law, well, who hasn't done it, even if as a child in saying a parental law was unfair, or as an adult in saying a wrongful conviction is unfair. So it seems we have all somehow blasphemed the Ghost(Law), which is unpardonable. Such makes it necessary to abolish the law, lest by the law all perish: Colossins 2:20-22.

By Law: it's sinners all; all perish; none enter.
By Grace: sinners none; none perish; all enter.
There is no respect of persons with God, none.
For law is inexcusable, but grace is merciful.

As for righteousness: "seek ye first the kingdom of God (within you) and his righteousness"; It seems all who diligently tried to attain righteousness of the law failed to attain it: Romans 9:30,31, since there is no righteousness of the law, which condemns all, especially those who use law to condemn others. For Romans 2 notes law is "inexecusable", not excusable. There's no accuse others and excuse me by the law. By the curse of the law all are accursed, not some only.

You seem to be in "division" mode, having partiality, rather than grace and "peace" mode has no partiality. I find peace(rest) is absence of division(unrest), and law is the source of law vs law & law vs grace divisions. But grace is the source of peace. So I remind you of James 2:1 "My brethren, have the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, [the Lord] of glory, without respect of persons". In other words stop being partial, divisional, and accusational; Since God is not partial nor divisional nor accusational. Firstly pure wisdom from above (Grace unto you from God our Father) is without partiality: James 3:17.

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.