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Godshew Mr. Miles says Jesus condemed Himself

Mr. Miles said:
"Worse yet, by law imuting sin you condemn yourself: by thy words thou art condemned: Mt 12:37. Jesus did this in Matthew 9:13b and Luke 5:32. In doing so he condemned himself. Not to mention Son of man should repent: Numbers 23:19; Two quality: Daniel and Jesus."

I would not be baffled if you did not say you believe in Jesus and say this, but you say you do. Stop pretending to believe in Jesus. You do the Devils work. So you say Jesus should repent. You repent you gargabe pail.
Good-Day Mr. Miles!

Re: Godshew Mr. Miles says Jesus condemed Himself

Dear Tim,

Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Welcome back Tim. I see you still haven't taken your bi-polar meds... still hear and see only what makes you contentious... still get easily off ended if anyone quotes from the bible anything contrary to your literal belief in a literal Jesus. You're about a century behind, nigh unto intellectual suicide.

What I say is know makes you free of believe.
What I say is it's allegory in both covenants.
What I say is e-life is "through Jesus-->Christ".
Furthermore be reconciled is (thru J-->C) to God.
So then stopping at Jesus is as if stunted growth.

You cannot equate Jesus and Christ.
Jesus is only the Saviour of Israel.
Christ is the Saviour of the world.
To wit, that God was in Christ reconciling the world.

Jesus was made under the law, and of woman.
Christ is the end of the law, and of transgression.
Ye are not under law(Jesus), but under grace(Christ).

Jesus Christ is the "foundation" to "build" on.
Staying with Jesus is like having a basement only.
I think the household of God is more than a basement.

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Re: Godshew Mr. Miles says Jesus condemed Himself

Mr. Miles,
So now you don't believe in a literal Jesus and believing in Him is like being in the basement and will stunt your growth. You really are a clone of Paul. Paul did not know the real Jesus at all and you don't even believe in a real live Jesus. What Paul teaches you is pagan fantasy. That's all Paul knew because he didn't learn from Jesus. How do I know? Ready to look dumb? Jesus said He must leave us to send us the Holy Spirit. Jesus said there were many things He did not have time to teach us and that He would send the Holy Spirit to teach us all things from now on. So how is it that Paul learned all he knew from Jesus in the desert like you say? He was not in the desert. He even warned us that He would not be in the desert. He warned us of people like you who said He was in hte desert. I believe He called them false prophets and false Christs. You have to be the most blind person I have ever known. And what's up with deleting my other post you cowardly little lion? Can't give answers so you just delete it. Why not just poke your fingers in your ears and say na, na, na, na. You said Jesus was the foundation to build on? Jesus IS the foundation you filth. What are you going to build on it? The teachings of Paul which is another gospel! You are worse than a donkey, your just plain old dumb as dirt. Why do you think I'm bi-polar? Is it bacause I can not stand people like you? Murders of the body go to prison by man's law. Murders of the spirit are burnt up in hell fire and destroyed forever by the real law of Jesus. So let the injustice of man's law turn you against the real law of Jesus. What a sad and sick state of affairs. Don't like it, just delete it and pretend it does not exist is your theme. I'm going to post your comments from this front and center for everyone to see what came out of your mouth. If you delete your own words then you will have just shown me what a cowardly little lion you are. No one else will know, but I will know and Father will know and you will live with the shame of your cowardness!

Re: Godshew Mr. Miles says Jesus condemed Himself


Grace & Peace from God & Son Unlimited.

I can visualize devil law playing with you
like as a cat plays with a captured mouse.

Pure religion arrived UNDEFILED,

What you're selling is IMPure religion,
and I ain't buying it at any reduced price.

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Re: Godshew Mr. Miles says Jesus condemed Himself

Dear Tim=AC,

Guy, ap,
fGoF atLJC.

You only have "lo here" & "lo there" in law & law.
Above such lo lo: law law, no both here and there.

As for what "Jesus" said: what about "forsaken"?

Why did David & Jesus say "forsaken": Psalms 22; Matthew 27?? What of God never leaves nor forsakes: Deuteronomy 31:6,8; Joshua 1:5; 1Chronicles 28:20??? I suppose you think Paul made that up in Hebrews 13:5?

If we're gonna dance, let's pick up the pace, eh.

TgooLJCwya. Amen.

Re: Re: Godshew Mr. Miles says Jesus condemed Himself

Please Mr. Miles,
Do your research. Jesus said this is what I have been keep for, not why have you forsaken me. Did you notice everyone there all thought he said different things. Jesus did not speak Hebrew as His primary language. Get with it Danny or get off the pot!
Good-Bye Mr. Miles.

Re: Godshew Mr. Miles says Jesus condemed Himself

Dear Tim=AC=AntiChrist,

Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord JC.

So then, your Jesus didn't know Hebrew? Funny then, how he discoursed with temple priests at age 12, oft went to Jerusalem for the pilrimage feasts, and went to the synagogue weekly, as a Jew; Who oft repeated Hebrew scriptures, like Hosea 6:6 in Matthew 9:13.

If you're gonna debate bible things, try and at least stay with the script of the scriptures written aforetime for our learning. Hurling insults is not constructive, especially if by THY words THOU art either justified or condemned: Matthew 12:37; THOU, not me: Galatians 1:8,9; 1Thess 5:3, not 1Thess 5:9. So then, it seems Jesus and Paul agree. Furthermore James agrees with Jesus and Paul, about your words.

I'd give more earnest heed, if I were you.

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Re: Godshew Mr. Miles says Jesus condemed Himself

My quote:
"Jesus did not speak Hebrew as His primary language."

I did not say He was not able to speak Hebrew you filth with pants on fire. Get a life and quit making things up. It's kind of pathetic. For someone with "10,000 Hours" wink, wink, of biblical related studies, well do I need to say more. Is that your nose growing??????
Good-Bye and please don't reply. Save some dignity.

Re: Re: Godshew Mr. Miles says Jesus condemed Himself

Dear Tim (alias AC Paul),

Grace & Peace to U from God & Son Unlimited.

Please do not feel accused or condemned by me. I'm not into accusation nor condmenation of anyone, but rather only into awareness and understanding of grace and truth; Grace and Truth which came by Jesus Christ, for comparison to law and lie: John 1:17.

So let us dare to compare Law vs Grace, which are "contrary" one to the other: Galatians 5:17; And let us see contrary things cannot co-exist in peace. But Christ is our peace who abolished the law, and God is the author of peace, not of confusion.

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Re: Godshew Mr. Miles says Jesus condemed Himself

Hi! Mr. Miles.
That sounds pretty dirty to me. It seems you are deceiving readers of your site?

Re: Godshew Mr. Miles says Jesus condemed Himself

Hi Mr Whiskers (Alias AC, Alias Tim),

Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

There is no other way to impute sin to make sinners than to law impute sin: Romans 4:15; 5:13; Which in turn makes sinners all, none righteous, no, not one. But God is one. God and Son are one. We all are one. So law imputed sin makes God a sinner, which God is not. But law is sin, when comparing Romans 14:23 with Galatians 3:12.

Romans 14:23
Whatsoever is not of faith is sin.
Galatains 3:12
The law is not of faith.

Connect your biblical dots, grasshopper.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.


Re: Godshew Mr. Miles says Jesus condemed Himself

Actually Alias lives a few houses down from me. I'm Mr. Whiskers. I never get upset while Alias is a little PMSish when it comes to Paul. I ran across you on the internet and thought I would say........