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Neither jot not tittle will pass from law!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matthew 5:17-18
"Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you,till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."

Go learn what He meant by fulfill the Law. And just to make the point clear again, I look out right now and still see the lovely heavens and earth that the true shepard created. You would kill us all by having the law pass away. You are one naughty boy! Now read verse 19. Please stop writting that their is no law. Please quit leading people astay from the direct clear words of Jesus. Please quote Jesus saying that HIS LAW passed away or needs flushed. If not, this is quite rude but needs to be said, PLEASE SHUT UP.

Re: Neither jot not tittle will pass from law!!!!!!!!!!!!


Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

We've been all through it,
the law vs grace is compared as lie vs truth;
when "comparing spiritual things with spiritual":

The law was given by Moses, (John 1:17)
but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

By law: all perish: Col 2:20-22
By grace: none perish: Rev 22:21

Ye are not under the law(lie),
but under grace(truth),
if led of the Spirit.

Do not think I (grace) came to destroy (law). I am(grace) not come to destroy(law) but fulfill(grace).

Which (law/grace) things are an allegory.
Which is NOT to be taken literally at all.

Eg: Mt 9:13 Go ye(do err) and learn what meaneth
I will have mercy(grace) and not sacrifice(law).
Then afterard come now and let us reason together.
For it's preposterous to teach first, learn after.

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Re: Re: Neither jot not tittle will pass from law!!!!!!!!!!!!

No Mr. Miles. I want a real answer. A direct quote from Jesus saying that there is no law.

Re: Neither jot not tittle will pass from law!!!!!!!!!!!!


You don't get it, Jesus plays two parts in John:
- Son of man and
- Son of God on high (not of higher God)
And there are two resurrections therein
- resurrection of life (plus death)
- resurrection of damnation

Son of man should repent: Numbers 23:19
Son of God on high gets forsaken: Jer 23...Mt 27

So then Tim,
the true Son of God in John 3:17 is Christ;
For Jesus does not fit the description therein.
Such is confirmed in other places, which note
Christ is risen higher than Jesus, above Jesus;
And Christ appeared to God in heaven, for "us".

It's like sharing post graduate info with a babe.
You can't even discern law is "both good and evil".

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Re: Re: Neither jot not tittle will pass from law!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Miles,
You are right, there are two resurrections. But I'm waiting for the direct quote from Jesus where He contridicts Himself when He said, "If you or Ye love me, keep my commandments.
Why do you change the subject.

Re: Neither jot not tittle will pass from law!!!!!!!!!!!!


If it's law ye want, ye may have it,
and law worketh wrath which comes with it,
and eventually it's also ministration of death.

I think I made it clear, I'll stick with
the end of the shew that is already written


Re: Re: Neither jot not tittle will pass from law!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Miles,
This is not the show you want to see the end of. I'm still awaiting the quote from Jesus.

Re: Re: Re: Neither jot not tittle will pass from law!!!!!!!!!!!!


Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Wait as l-o-n-g-suffering as ye like.
I've already run the race with patience,
who notably runs to the end when seeing,
as is noted for you in Hebrews 12...13:25.

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ WITH YOU ALL. AMEN.