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Law question for you

What exactly do you consider to be the law of God. Please be specific in you answer, wording it in a way that does not take weeks to figure out what you mean. Please be specific in how you think the law of God kills us.

Re: Law question for you

Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Tim, I cannot think for you; Nor does the Bible.
But I can & will give you something to think about.

There is no law at all in the God of all grace.
There is no wrath at all in that God is merciful.
There is no discomfort in the God of all comfort.
So then there are two Gods portrayed to sort out.

God in heaven: "higher than the heavens"... Grace
God on high: midst of plural divided heavens...Law

Two Gods are also notably opposed about "them":
- Grace: do not impute sin unto them: save em all
- Law: conclude them all in unbelief: kill em all

Grace: I will never leave you nor forsake you: Heb 13
Law: I will forget you and I will forsake you: Jer 23

Grace: graceful, merciful, peaceful and unprovokable
Law: awful lawful (wrathful) when provoked a little

Grace: God our Saviour, hath not appt'd us unto wrath
Law: God their destroyer, appt'd them to destruction

1Thess 5:9 ... us: your part: grace is constructive
1Thess 5:3 ... them: their part: law is destructive

Grace: ministration of life; by grace none perish
Law: ministration of death; by laws all perish

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Re: Re: Law question for you

I do not want you to think for me, nor do I listen to "preacherman". I want you to think. Do you think you want to follow Jesus or the lie that there is no law?

Re: Law question for you


Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

I've already been where you are, did the law thing, perhaps much more zealous than you, kinda like Saul of Saul-->Paul. For my name is Daniel, I was born the exact moment Israel became a nation again.

You can ask my relatives and friends how fixed and zealous I was for Jesus; For I wrote them all. Not even the garbage man escaped my zeal, as I got up early and waited for him, to tell him about Jesus.

I studied Revelation and everything ever written about it full time, seven days a week, for seven years; And at the end of it I tossed a truck load of books, videos, tapes, notes, bibles, concordances; since I could not get anyone's version, including my own, to compute from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22. Then I asked God for wisdom, nothing wavering, as in James 1, and I got it; thereafter was taught directly by the Spirit, beginning at the end already written.

As for churches, I've been to them all, more than the pastors, priests, and rabbi who lead them; till I finally realized they were preaching and teaching first, learning after, the hard way, sometimes too late. I've probably been kicked out of more churches than others, and for asking biblical questions.

So I can truly say: been there, did this, and now I'm doing that, of this/that, this gospel/that gospel.

That GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.