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BIBLE STUDY - Object Lessons

BIBLE STUDY - Object Lessons
Date: Nov 8, 2010
Topic(s): New Life
Scripture: John 12:23-26

The passage of the Bible we're looking at today begins with Jesus' announcement: "'The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified'" (John 12:23, ESV). That sounds like a very exciting prospect. It reminds me of the movie Aladdin where the boy wishes to become a prince. A huge celebration breaks out and the newly-made Prince Ali is paraded through the capital streets.

But Jesus was not about to be celebrated in such a princely fashion.


"'Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life'" (vv. 24-25, ESV).

1. How are Jesus' words in verses 24 and 25 different in tone from verse 23?
2. Why did Jesus use an agricultural-type example to teach this truth?
3. What allows the grain of wheat to bear fruit?

Jesus' path to glory would ultimately end in heaven's throne room, but not before leading Him to the grave. Jesus was teaching His disciples a very important object lesson--you have to die in order to live. You have to give yourself to something larger than yourself in order to be of any value.

In Aladdin, the pauper-turned-prince had to drop his ruse in order to save the day. He had to put to death His princely persona. God created all of us with incredible potential: the ability to change lives forever. But before we can have any lasting value in His service, we need to embrace His life and His goals and leave behind our own.


What do Jesus' words in the next verse mean for you today? "If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him" (v. 26, ESV).


As you think about how God might be calling you to serve Him today, take some time to express your worries and doubts to Him. God understands this isn't an easy calling, so give Him the opportunity to calm your fears and prepare you for greater things to come.

NOTICE: This Bible Study or Devotional is solely penned and/or owned by the person(s) or ministry who's website(s) are included with each. I merely copy and paste them for the sole purpose of spreading God's Word to the world. May the Holy Spirit give you understanding as you read this Devotional/Study. GBU, JEL!

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