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BIBLE STUDY - Confession Is Good for the Soul

BIBLE STUDY - Confession Is Good for the Soul
Date: Nov 3, 2010
Topic(s): Sin/Temptation
Scripture: 1 John 1:9, Revelation 12:10

In 1884 Grover Cleveland was running against James G. Blaine for the presidency of the U.S. Blaine supporters discovered that Cleveland, who was a bachelor at the time, had fathered a son by Mrs. Maria Crofts Halpin, an attractive widow who had been on friendly terms with several politicians. Subsequently, these men tried to pin an immorality tag on Cleveland by distributing handbills showing an infant labeled "One more vote for Cleveland." The move, however, backfired badly. Rather than deny the story, Cleveland decided to tell the truth and admit the wrongdoing. His confession helped defuse the issue, and Cleveland was elected president.

Satan does the same thing. In fact, Satan is called the "accuser of our brethren" (Revelation 12:10). But God provides a solution to this problem in 1 John 1:9


If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9, ESV).
* Whom is this verse written to?
* How is God described in this verse?
* What two benefits come with confession?


The word confess means "to admit." One of the most difficult parts of dealing with sin is admitting that it is sin. Oftentimes we want to deny it (I didn't do it!). Other times we try to rationalize it (It's not hurting anybody!) or even excuse it (My parents should have raised me better. It's all their fault!). None of those, however, work with God. Until you acknowledge that the letter "i" in the middle of "sin" stands for yourself and no one else, you'll never experience the fullness of God's forgiveness.

Confession doesn't require the involvement of another person. It can be just between you and God. However, sometimes it is helpful to let another trustworthy person know about your sin so that he or she can be an accountability partner as well as pray for you.

Furthermore, confession doesn't require restitution but such action may help deal with the guilt feelings. Satan is an expert at playing the guilt card and preventing forgiven sinners from actively serving the Lord. While we don't "buy" God's forgiveness by paying back what we owe, we demonstrate that we are forgiven by restoring as much as possible of what has been lost through our sin.


Is there sin in your life that needs to be confessed? Don't delay; do it now. And if there is some restitution that is needed because of that sin, pay up; accept God's forgiveness and cleansing and begin anew.

NOTICE: This Bible Study or Devotional is solely penned and/or owned by the person(s) or ministry who's website(s) are included with each. I merely copy and paste them for the sole purpose of spreading God's Word to the world. May the Holy Spirit give you understanding as you read this Devotional/Study. GBU, JEL!

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