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Good Monday Morning Precious Praying Family of God* Please Come Say Hi 2 Us ok!

Peek a boo

How are you this
Monday Morning?
We are
doing better, slowly,
we are getting rid of a very
bad virus, and we so appreciate
all of you prayers for us.
((((Big Huggies)))
We are praising
our Abba Father God.
What an awesome
Lord we serve!
How was

your weekend? Ours was

very restful, and we enjoyed some good old

classic movies that were made in

the 1930's 40's black and white movies

but they are so good. we also

watched some football and golf,

the last of the PGA's

did u watch it?

Jim Furyk won the tours tournament

and the Fed Ex cup.

It was a really hard game Sunday

because they had alot of heavy rain.

What did you do?

Our weather here is really hot,

we have been having temperatures

in the mid 90's humid, stormy

and really bad lighning too.

How is your weather

where you are?

Please come

share with us ok

Just click reply

Please lets all pray for all
our families all around this
big wide world, its been
so hard to just have enough
money for food,
let alone all the utilities etc.
Abba Father God: we pray
a miracle of abundance
on all our cherished
praying familes, we pray
for all those who are homeless
now, please Father God
hear all their prayers,
comfort, strengthen and
protect all of them, and
Abba Father God: meet all
their needs, and restore
their lives, blessc them and
allow them to give you all
the glory and honor that you
deserve in Jesus name
i pray Amen and amen

Thank You Jesus

Please know we are

always praying 4 you!

Please Call our 24/7

Prayer phone line


May our Lord and Savior
keep you in His loving hands,
i pray He will comfort you,
strengthen you and bring
healing in all areas
of your body, mind, Spirit
and all areas of your life.
May God richly bless
you this day and always


Please Come Say Hi to me