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Sharing a Powerful Devotion From Turning Point God Bless u all

Weekend, September 25 & 26

The Invincible Sword: The Sword Provides God's Guidance

You will guide me with Your counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.
Psalm 73:24

Recommended Reading
Psalm 73:23-28

In addition to its other uses, the Sword of the Spirit also serves as the needle of a compass. God guides us with His counsel, which often comes via His Word. That doesn't mean we'll always have a specific verse for every decision. Dr. V. Raymond Edman points out that the Bible is not a crystal ball or an oracle. "The Lord may lead us by the first verse we read upon opening the Book," Edman wrote, "but not necessarily so at all. In fact, it is the common experience of... deeply-taught Christians that to seek a verse on guidance is never to find it. Rather, it is as we read and meditate upon the Word, perhaps in some relatively obscure portion thereof, that we are taught by the Holy Spirit and are led aright in the light thereof."1

Don't you find this inevitably true? As we fellowship with God in His Word, He uses Bible texts to give us wisdom, and that wisdom helps us make mature decisions. How wise He is! How unfailing His Sword!

God's impressions within and His Word without are always corroborated by His Providence around, and we should wait until these three focus into one point.
F. B. Meyer

1Raymond Edman, He Leadeth Me (Wheaton, IL: Scripture Press, 1959), 20.

Matthew 26:30-Mark 1:45