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It's Harvest Time!

I just read Diana's post and saw that beautiful picture, and the Holy Spirit reminded me of something He asked me to pass on to everyone I can.
Since July 01 of this year, I have felt like it was autumn, instead of summer. It was so strong that I asked the Lord about it, and He said that it was because it is now HARVEST TIME for all Believers of Jeus; that God is and will be pouring out His Spirit upon all flesh, and that we will recieve great miracles and answers to prayers, some you have long given up on (but God never forgets). You will be recieving, but not only for your sakes, as this is not His Best Gifts; but that we are given a greater gift and consideration as Last Days Believers to be able to Harvest His Best Fruits, and that we haven't much time left (before we are outta words...) So now there is no more time to waste on procrastination, or putting it off, or making excuses. It's time for all God's Children to get up, get off the ego trip, get over ourselves, let go of self-consciouness... we are held accountable for those folks the Lord placed in front of us to deliver His Word to; we are not responsible for the decisions they make, however, that's their own doing...I myself can't think of one person I know that has done such horrible things to me that I would want to see end up in Hell or even have to go through the terrible things that will take place during the Tribulation, after the Rapture where we will all be meeting each other up in the clouds! (I can't wait; I will have a cup of coffee waiting for YOU, Granny Faith! What's your favorite flavor?) I am forgiven, and so I can forgive. You folks too, right?.... Let's get Harvesting!

Re: It's Harvest Time!

YES IT IS HARVEST TIME AND TIME FOR REVIVAL IN ALL PARTS OF OUR WORLD...AMEN TO ALL YOU SHARED WITH US PRECIOUS, I PRAY YOU WILL HURRY BACK TO US. (((mari))) i love you and i am covering you in all my prayers. God Bless you anad keep you safe in Jesus arms always, GrannyFaith