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Happy Weekend With Jesus*Please Come Say Hi To us ok We Miss U

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Intimacy With God Ministry
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Good Morning
Cherished Family
of God: Are you ready for the weekend?
We are. its been a really very busy week,
Hubby has worked nearly
40 hrs. and he is really pooped.
We are going to have a nice dinner today,
some baked sokeye salmon, i make it with honey,
buttter and cherry fruit cocktail,
its really good. and its a real fast
meal to make, it just takes 10 minutes to bake.
We will have fresh veggies, mashed potatoes,
and for dessert later we will have some
Blue Bell French Vanilla ice cream
and a very little bite of choclate cake..
sure wish you were here with us to enjoy
these goodies. What are you
making for dinner or lunch?
Please come share with us ok..
We are doping much better
finally getting over these colds
we have been dealing with
these last couple of weeks.
How are you doing?
and How is your
weekend going so far?

Please Come Say Hi to us ok
A House of Prayer

Breakfast is ready
hope you can make it over
qand visit us...

We are sending
all of you many prayers.
We sure have been
enjoying all your
prayers, devotions,
poems, and
inspirational writings.
We love you so much and
you bless us so much each day!

Saturday Inspiration
by Max Lucado
How kind are you? What is your kindness quotient? When was the last time you did something kind for someone in your family--e.g., got a blanket, cleaned off the table, prepared the coffee--without being asked?

Think about your school or workplace. Which person is the most overlooked or avoided? A shy student? A grumpy employee? Maybe he doesn't speak the language. Maybe she doesn't fit in. Are you kind to this person?

Kind hearts are quietly kind. They let the car cut into traffic and the young mom with three kids move up in the checkout line. They pick up the neighbor's trash can that rolled into the street. And they are especially kind at church. They understand that perhaps the neediest person they'll meet all week is the one standing in the foyer or sitting on the row behind them in worship. Paul writes: "When we have the opportunity to help anyone, we should do it. But we should give special attention to those who are in the family of believers" (Gal. 6:10).

And, here is a challenge--what about your enemies? With the boss who fired you or the wife who left you. Suppose you surprised them with kindness? Not easy? No, it's not. But mercy is the deepest gesture of kindness. Paul equates the two. "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you" (Eph. 4:32 NKJV). Jesus said:

Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you.... If you love only the people who love you, what praise should you get? ... ove your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without hoping to get anything back. Then you will have a great reward, and you will be children of the Most High God, because he is kind even to people who are ungrateful and full of sin. Show mercy, just as your Father shows mercy. (Luke 6:27-28, 32, 35-36)

Kindness at home. Kindness in public. Kindness at church and kindness with your enemies. Pretty well covers the gamut, don't you think? Almost. Someone else needs your kindness. Who could that be? You.

Since he is so kind to us, can't we be a little kinder to ourselves? Oh, but you don't know me, Max. You don't know my faults and my thoughts. You don't know the gripes I grumble and the complaints I mumble. No, I don't, but he does. He knows everything about you, yet he doesn't hold back his kindness toward you. Has he, knowing all your secrets, retracted one promise or reclaimed one gift?

No, he is kind to you. Why don't you be kind to yourself? He forgives your faults. Why don't you do the same? He thinks tomorrow is worth living. Why don't you agree? He believes in you enough to call you his ambassador, his follower, even his child. Why not take his cue and believe in yourself?

Be kind to yourself. God thinks you're worth his kindness. And he's a good judge of character.

Please know we are

always praying 4 you!

Please Call our 24/7

Prayer phone line


May our Lord and Savior
keep you in His loving hands,
i pray He will comfort you,
strengthen you and bring
healing in all areas
of your body, mind, Spirit
and all areas of your life.
May God richly bless
you this day and always


Please Come Say Hi to me