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Thinking and Praying for you* Please Come Say Hi we miss u

Come Say Hi 2 Me ok

Hello Precious
Family of God,
How are you doing today?

Breakfasat is ready:
Hurry over and
rest awhile we us ok..
Hope you all have a
blessed & Peace
Filled weekend!!
How is your weather?
Here in Florida, we
are having very hot and humid
temperature mid 90's
I love you all so
very much,
please come chat
with us here ok

Weekend Inspiration

From Pastor Gregg Laurie

After this prayer, the building where they were meeting shook, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Then they preached the God's message with boldness.

— Acts 4: 31

Sometimes we will take a step of faith if there is a backup plan, if there is a safety net. While there is a place for caution, a place for prudence, and even a place for seeking the counsel of those who have lived longer than we have. But having said that, there is also a place for faith. There is also a place for taking chances and taking risks.

As we get older, we are less willing to do that. We want everything laid out for us. We want to know what will happen after this and after that. But sometimes God will say, "I am not going to tell you. I want you to just obey Me." That is why I would rather try something and fail than never try at all. And if you do try and ultimately fail, then learn something from your failure. I would venture to say that any person who has been successful in ministry, in business, or in any other enterprise has had more than his or her share of failures and has learned something from every one of them. It has been said that the doorway of success is often entered through the hallway of failure. So if at first you don't succeed, relax. You are just like the rest of us.

So take a chance and do something for God. If you have been thinking about starting a little Bible study at work and are unsure whether anyone would show up, go for it. If you are thinking of sharing the gospel with someone, but you don't how they would respond, go for it. Try it. Pray about it. Ask the Lord for direction. But take a risk. Take a chance here and there and watch what God will do.

God Bless you &

all your loved ones!
Praying For you all!

Please know we are

always praying 4 you!

Please Call our 24/7

Prayer phone line


May our Lord and Savior
keep you in His loving hands,
i pray He will comfort you,
strengthen you and bring
healing in all areas
of your body, mind, Spirit
and all areas of your life.
May God richly bless
you this day and always


Please Come Say Hi to me