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Happy Wekend With Jesus*Please Come Say Hi To us ok We Miss U


Saturday Morning
all my Precious
Prayer Warriors
and Cherished Friends:
We made you breakfast,

hurry over and rest
awhile with us ok!
Do you have plans
for the weekend?
We are going to rest alot,
hubby had a very busy week and he
is working 7-8 hrs a day
where he usually worked only 5;
so he is very tired.
I am making baked
chicken tenders, with
honey, and fresh
vine rippend tomatoes, and
mashed potatoes,
and lots of fresh veggies.
Also frozen vanilla yoogurt,
with carmel sauce, yummy.
We will be watching some real
good old movies we taped on Turner
this week, Tammy and the
bachelor and a few other ones.
Also a little golf.
Football season will be here soon
and we are looking forward to that too.
Wish you were all here with us.
Please come
and say hi to us ok.
Just click this little link
How are you all doing today?
We are feeling better,
thank you Jesus, and thank you
all our precious praying friends.
We really need to start the day
in prayer for each other,

Heavenly Father, today I choose
to be anxious for nothing. I choose to set
aside my worries and concerns. I thank
You for Your faithfulness to meet every
need in my life.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

A Great Big Warm
Welcome to the many
new members we are
receiving each week, in
all the different Granny
Faith Ministries, the mailing
lists are growing Praise
to Our Lord Jesus who
deserves all the honor and
glory for all that He is doing
behind the scenes..God Bless
you all, and please make
yourself at home and share
all the Holy Spirit leads ok..
Taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.
--Psalm 34:8
My friend, Dan Earl, is a bee-keeper. Recently he presented me with a gift basket of his bee byproducts - creams, candles, and best of all, his top-selling honey. That Sunday I enjoyed a cup of Earl Grey tea and toasted crumpets with butter and honey. I was almost in heaven. It was so delicious.

The Puritan, Jonathan Edwards, drew a parallel between honey and Psalm 34:8. One can conclude that honey is honey because it is golden, has a certain viscosity, and has bits of comb in it. Therefore, it must be honey. But Edwards said there is a superior way to know. Put a drop on your tongue, and you'll see that knowing honey involves much more than understanding facts about it. To truly know honey is to taste and see that it is sweet, delicious, and delightful. There's nothing quite like it!

The same can be said about our knowledge of God. We can conclude that God is God because he is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent... he is attended by thousands of angels and he sits on the throne of heaven... he is the Supreme Ruler, the Creator of all things and the Judge of all men. But even the devil knows these facts about God! So, truly knowing God involves more than knowing facts about him. We must "taste and see that the Lord is good," sweet, delightful, and all lovely. We must have a heart that awakens to his true splendor through experiencing his beauty.

* * * * * * * *

Dr. John Piper writes, "Before we met Christ we were dead, blind, deaf and insensitive to God's glory; we couldn't taste it as beautiful... Conversion to Christ puts within us a taste for divine things, a taste for the glory of God. Our battle is to constantly see him more clearly that we might delight in him more fully."

Lord Jesus, your Word is sweeter than honey and I find you utterly delightful. Awaken my heart further to your beauty and splendor.

Lets all join our hands
and pray for one another:
Awesome Father God:
We come to You on behalf of
every God Anointed group
on this internet and every
member that is glorifying
Your name; bless us with
peace towards one another
so that we can join together
and pray against any intruders,
any demon forces, any
demonic activities, anything
that will bring harm or damage
to the groups, or any of the
members or their loved
ones,in Jesus' name; We pray
for peace in all groups, joy
unspeakable and full of your
glory; We pray that when the
enemy shall try and come in
like a flood the Spirit of
the Lord shall lift up a
standard against him and
anything that is against your
holiness Father God;
We pray for protection all around
us and all our members and
their families & friends;
We believe that we are in
the protective custody of
His Holy Spirit in ait in all
Gods anointed Ministries
on this internet; We pray
comfort, peace and
protection over all ministry
members who are living
to please you Lord and
live out your will
and plan for their individual lives,
Abba Father God
all those who do not know
you help us to get a deeper