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Peek A Boo I C U* I Miss U all* Please Have a real Blessed Day With Jesus*

Good Morning
Precious Friend:

How is your week

going so far?

Ours is going good, i have been

doing alot of fall cleaning here,

and hubby is busy getting ready for work

and i am so happy to be

here visitng with you.

Please hurry over

and say hi to us

Todays Inspiration

From In Touch Ministries

The Holy Spirit's True Identity
John 15:26

During the early weeks of my seminary education, a doctoral student invited me to his dorm room. When I arrived, he sat me down, put a Greek Bible in my hands, and said, "I noticed that you called the Holy Spirit an 'it' while we were talking at dinner tonight. He is not an 'it.'" This man then led me through the New Testament, translating scriptures concerning the third person of the Trinity. An hour later he said, "The one thing I want you to remember is that the Holy Spirit is a Somebody."

God's Spirit possesses three defining characteristics of personhood: intelligence, will, and emotion. To prove these points, I'll guide you to some New Testament verses, just as that doctoral student did for me.

First Corinthians 2:10-11 explains that the Spirit knows God's thoughts and illuminates the truth for us. Later in the same book, He is identified as the One who determines the spiritual gift(s) of each believer (12:7-11). Finally, the Holy Spirit's feelings are revealed in verses like Romans 15:30, which tells of His love, and Ephesians 4:30, which warns against grieving Him.

Consider also that Jesus spoke of a Helper who would come after Him (John 14:16, 26). Aiding and assuring others are the acts of a person, as is teaching--the Holy Spirit's primary work.

Perhaps you misunderstand the Holy Spirit as I once did. He is not an "it" any more than God the Father or Jesus Christ is. The Spirit is a part of the Trinity, and if you are a believer, He is with you now. God has given you His Spirit as a special Helper--one who sticks closer than a brother (Prov. 18:24

Please Come Join Us:

Please know we are

always praying 4 you!

Please Call our 24/7

Prayer phone line


May our Lord and Savior
keep you in His loving hands,
i pray He will comfort you,
strengthen you and bring
healing in all areas
of your body, mind, Spirit
and all areas of your life.
May God richly bless
you this day and always


Please Come Say Hi to me