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Happy 4th of July Weekend We Miss you* Please Come Say Hi

Please Come Say Hi Ok..

I Miss you

Morning Precious

Hubby and i made

you some fresh coffee,
come rest with us awhile ok.

How are you doing?
Today lets all stop in and say
hi, and encourage one another
ok, i received so many
emails yesterday from our
cherished members who
are really going through
some sad, hard times,
many need healing,
and a real miracle, also
restoration & salvation
in and for their families,
etc. First; Lets all praise
the Lord together, and
thank Him for keeping us
and all our loved ones safe,
and Thank Him for all
He is always doing in us,
with us, for us, and through us.
what an awesome
ALIVE Savior and Abba
Father we have, right now
i just want to thank you Lord
for each person reading this,
please breathe your Healing
Holy Spirit presence all
over them and fill them
with your Peace, Comfort, and Joy,
Please give them the desires
of their heart according
to your Holy Will and
plan for their lives, and
Lord give all of us a deeper
seeded hunger to pray more
for one another, and talk to
you and read the living word
of God each day.
Lord thank you for your
Mercy and grace that is new
each day for all of us.
Father God for all those
needing a miracle right
now please bless them,
and find favor with all
of us, in Jesus name
we pray amen and amen.

Our Master’s Word

Do we ever notice as we hear in our heart, our Master’s voice?

Does He not give us many options to choose His choice?

He is the King of our sweet Heaven, and beautiful earth.

We read His word, or in our heart listen to how Mary gave birth.

Someday, He is coming again and I pray we will try to prepare.

To meet our Blessed Savior and let Him surely knows we care.

He gives us thoughts of thousands of words we hope to read.

Then something else comes along and we forget to plant His seed.

I sometimes wonder what He thinks; how does His heart feel?

He put all of His words in the Bible, but we fail to open the seal.

Many times we do that; then, we feel the guilt and feel really bad,

But He doesn’t want us to be sad, just in our heart try to be glad.

He hung on the old cross to cover all our sins; do we try to reply?

I know we should love, and thank Him every day without a sigh.

One day we shall be there with Him and Father, there above…

Should we not now start telling Jesus about how Him we do love?

Look unto the tomorrows, some will be here, and some shall be gone.

Will all be up there In Heaven; will that be our regale home?

Somehow I think we need to think on these words every day.

Put His words inside our stingy heart and love Him all the way.

©Pearlie Duncan Walker….

Please know we are
always praying 4 you!

Please Call our 24/7

Prayer phone line


May our Lord and Savior
keep you in His loving hands,
i pray He will comfort you,
strengthen you and bring
healing in all areas
of your body, mind, Spirit
and all areas of your life.
May God richly bless
you this day and always


Please Come Say Hi to me