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Good Thursday Morning I Miss u all Please Come say hi


Friend: ((Big hugs)).
How is your week going??
Ours is flying by,
it seems the older
we get the faster the time goes.

We made a little snack for you,
Come relax and enjoy ok!

Thank you Jesus for holding our lives in
your hands, what a Faithful and Loving
Abba Father God we serve.
I love you all so very much,
please know i am praying for you
all through the day!
Always know
we are Family,
thank you Jesus
for each one who will
be reading this today
What a huge Blessing
you all are!

Hope you can take a minute or two
and let us know how you are,
if you need prayer?

My prayer each day
is that you all will make
our message boards a real
awesome way to talk
and share a prayer, smile,
hug or what ever the Lord leads ok
We LOVE to see you and love to
know you are being blessed here.
Let us know you dropped by.
We so appreciate
all your poems,
prayers, devotions
links, household hints, etc.
and all your messages!!

Come Chat With Us

Come Say Hi 2 Me ok
Please Sign our Guestbook ok,
slowly scroll down and let us know
how you ar e doing and whats new ok

Todays Inspiration

1 Peter 4:13

When trials come your way, they aren’t coming to taunt or to punish you. They are coming to prepare your soul for eternity!

You see, when we walk with God, trials test our faith in positive ways. They show us how we have grown in the Lord. And conversely, they can reveal where you and I may need to grow closer to God.

Nothing in this world can draw you closer to God than trials and suffering. But if you don’t view trials from God’s perspective, you’re going to miss out on some of the most extraordinary experiences you can have as a Christ-follower.

David’s well-known Psalm 23 painted a picture for us of how to endure suffering. He wrote, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil….”

And then his very next words were, “You are with me. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me…. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” David’s testimony rejoices at having felt the very real and satisfying presence of God.

So let me ask you today, is this how you endure your shadowy trials? It can be.

Whatever trial you face, trust God to protect and guide you, and you will feel his presence in a way you never dreamed possible.



May our Lord and Savior
keep you in His loving hands,
i pray He will comfort you,
strengthen you and bring
healing in all areas
of your body, mind, Spirit
and all areas of your life.
May God richly bless
you this day and always


Please Come Say Hi to me

Re: Good Thursday Morning I Miss u all Please Come say hi

Hi Faith
I am well and fine today.
God has again met our needs.
How faithful He always is!

Thank you for your prayers for me.
May you have a lovely day too dearest,
in Jesus Name Amen
