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Poem : HIS

Hi Family, I always say i will put a poem in here.. So today, i figured i would really do it.

Today I have seen the sunshine,
tomorrow there maybe rain,
but no matter, whatever the weather ,
CHRIST'S love is always the same.
HIS love is forever faithful.
HE'll never give up on you,
HE holds our HIS hand to save you.
HIS word is honest and true.
Tho' at times we feel alone and lonely,
no matter how hard we cry,
there's never a tear we shed,
that misses HIS watchful eye.
HE knows the desperation,
HE would gladly carry your load,
if you'll only give it to HIM,
HE'll give you peace untold.
We worry and fret, when we shouldn't,
and try to do it alone.
As HE waits ever so patiently,
for HIS children to come home.
Written by : Gerry Messier
Co.Wr. 1995

Re: Poem : HIS

Thank you for sharing with us this
lovely poem! It is so nice and true.
Thank you for stopping by here today.
