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Good Morning Precious Friends and Visitors* We Miss U How are you today?

Hi There: Please Come say hi and leave us

a little message, prayer, or whatever our Living

abba Father God puts on your heart ok..We have

art, music, link pages and so very much more please

come sign our guestbook too ok and let us know

you are visiting. We are all family and we need each

other((((Big Healing Heart Hugs)))) Just click this link

and say hi it onlt takes a minute and read some

of the beautiful messages ok..

We have thousands of subscribers,

so please say hi our chat room is open too !!!


Thursday Morning
Precious Praying
Family of God:
How are you?

We are doing good
and keeping real busy,
wow, this week
is flying by isn't it?
What time it is?

yes: its time for
come stop in ok
We made
you coffee..

Please Come Say
Hi To Me ok
Just click this link
and save it too ok

Thursday Inspiration

Acts 6:1-6

A testimony is one person's profession of faith in Jesus Christ. However, our declaration of belief is much more than the story we tell. A good witness for the Lord consists of three parts: character, conduct, and conversation.

As Christians, we rightly place great emphasis on crafting a solid personal account of the Lord's work in our life. We also talk about the ways that we can "be Jesus Christ" to our friends, family, and co-workers through our actions. But character is the part of every believer's testimony that underlies both Christ-like behavior and a good life story.

In general, what we do and say represents the kind of person that we are on the inside. We can tell a lot about Philip's character by noticing his actions and words. From among many believers, Philip was chosen as one who was wise and full of the Spirit. But he wasn't selected for a great ministry position—he was sent to serve food. Philip went willingly to do this menial work and every other job the Lord gave him, which shows his obedient spirit (Acts 6:5; 8:5, 26). We can be certain that he was a sincere and trustworthy man, because when he spoke, people listened (Acts 8:6). Philip's testimony shines forth in every way.

You can't trick God into thinking your character is righteous if it isn't. Nor can you fake moral conduct or conversation with people for very long. Sooner or later, a proud, bitter, or unkind spirit yields behavior and speech contrary to the Christian message. But godly character produces real spiritual fruit.

Happy New Year

With Jesus! Cast all

your cares on Him

for He cares for you so much!

May our Lord and Savior
keep you in His loving hands,
i pray He will comfort you,
strengthen you and bring
healing in all areas
of your body, mind, Spirit
and all areas of your life.
May God richly bless
you this day and always


Please Come Say Hi to me

Re: Good Morning Precious Friends and Visitors* We Miss U How are you today?

Hi Faith
I hope you found a way to keep warm
down there where you live.So unusually
cold now in Southern Florida.May God
have it warm up.


Re: Good Morning Precious Friends and Visitors* We Miss U How are you today?

Amen!! Hugs Pamela