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My Testimony

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‘As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord´
“Igniting soul’s through the proclamation of Jesus Christ”.

My life before receiving Christ, (what was life like?): Words such as Foolish come to mind! Life filled with Hate, disrespect for life in general. A self-centered struggle to obtain “The better life”. A life were by everything being cut short of true happiness. Completely unsatisfying, never having enough of anything. My youthful days ran so rampid that I came near death often, feared nothing and no one, there is not much to be mentioned that I had not done or been involved in. My lack of fear was from a sin nature, thinking life sucked anyway that if I or someone had ended it would be to the better.

How I received Jesus Christ, (my conversion experience): A young friend visited us, (on fire for the Lord), telling me of his conversion, his new life and joy he found. He spoke of things I had knowledge of from reading and hearing about, “but this was real”, I could see the changed man standing before me. He encouraged us to visit this church and check things out. At the time I was again searching for some real meaning and direction in life, looking for this peace from all my past self-justification for what I did, self righteousness. My own thoughts could no longer justify my way of life and action toward others or myself. We began to attend this church and the Lord did not waste much time in convicting my heart. After all I had head knowledge and new how to fake being a Christian. My Lord pointed out the need for me to answer His call. The Lord called me in His two part acceptance unto Salvation through His Grace in forgiveness of all my sin as I repented and cried out to Him for several hours. My conversion was completed and sealed the following day as I walked the isle of that church to His Throne of Grace and proclaimed the Gift of Salvation I found in Christ. That was Mothers Day 1989. What a glorious thing this conversion from lost sinner to sinner Saved through God’s Grace.

How has my life changed since Jesus Saved me?: Although a lot of change took place quickly after conversion, such things as desire to truly know scripture and Truths in the meaning; turning from sinful actions of everyday life; the road was not easy! The power of satan had caused us pain and suffering, financial burdens, and material loss, eventually even caused my own fall from Grace due to giving in to desires of the flesh. However, God is so good, so merciful!, that He revealed to me my self-destruction in the path I had turned to. He showed to me the pain I was causing to others and possible total destruction I was now faced with. He Allows U-Turns! Amen! Whereby once again I turned from my sin and returned to God in repentance of my own self-destruction.

In over all, were I was a false man of self righteous good guy syndrome; From a walk of money and things seeker; From a life of drugs, sex, devilish ways, and all sorts of illegal activity; From a thought pattern of no fear to fear in the Lord. All those thing found in living by the flesh, I was, and have been redeemed of.

Then to now: Now being established in the Word, His foundation; To loving the Lord as best this weak mind can conjure; To seeking to please God with my life and obtain His Will and Blessings; To cleansing of my physical body from poison of drugs and alcohol and harmful actions. He has turned me away from many life changing sin’s of corruption and deceit. He has given me a new life way beyond measure. He has laid out a map of the right roads to follow and offer’s to guide me through those roads. I am Blessed with knowledge of two children also being Christian’s, my Beloved wife as well. My Beloved wife who put up with my fall from Grace and fought to restore our family under God. He has established me in the work place by advancement and true respect of pears and those that follow. He has kept me in the new days as I lost the ability to work and provide for my family. He is my comfort and strength through many physical pains and failure. He has called me to assist in a number of His Ministries throughout the internet. He has changed my favorite pass times and hobbies to Him and His service to other’s.

Love in the Lord
"Igniting passion in the people of God through the proclamation of truth."


Re: My Testimony

How awesome and wonderful brother!
Praise God...What Mighty,Merciful
God we serve! Amen


Re: My Testimony

Wow Hayman what a powerful Testimony of the Love and Faithfuless of God for you and all of us. We serve such a BIG LIVING LOVING ABBA FATHER GOD.. His hand is on all of us and His Will, will be done this is my prayer for you and all of us wo love Jesus so much.. please hurry back my precious friend and vrother in the Lord you ar e such a big blessing to all of .. ((Big Hugs)))) GrannyFaith