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Good Morning

Precious Friend:
How are you doing
this morning?
We are great, hope you
like the goodies we are sending
Breakfast is ready too

We are so blessed to be able to
come visit you each day over
this beautiful internet of
God's our Lord and Saviour!
Lets all praise Him for all
He has done for us in our life.

If you have
a prayer request
please share that
with us each day.
We want to hear from
everyone, visitors too.

My day is blessed
when I can come
and see all the posts you
share with us. Thanks you
from the bottom of my heart.
I want to encourage all members
and visitors to post messages.
Our hearts are waiting to
hear what the Holy Spirit
wants you to share with us ok!!
Thanks for all responses in advance.

Todays Inspiration
From In Touch Ministries
Psalm 26:2

Doctors recommend regular checkups to make sure that our bodies are functioning properly. Though we might not even realize something is wrong, an undetected problem could potentially cause other health issues. The same is true of our relationship with the heavenly Father. He desires that we seek His truth daily, allowing Him to shed light on anything that hinders our walk.

And, just as some people are nervous about seeing their physician, we might feel fearful of inviting the Holy Spirit to examine our lives. It can be frightening to realize the truth about our sin and see ourselves as we actually are. And furthermore, knowing that God will require our repentance and obedience may also cause discomfort in our lives.

But the rewards are great. First, our Father removes any spiritual "blockages" that impede a close walk with Him. Second, we gain greater intimacy with the Lord and with others. Third, our energy is renewed as resentment, fear, and other ungodly attitudes stop draining us; serving God becomes a joy instead of a duty. Fourth, regardless of circumstance, we experience spiritual freedom through forgiveness. All of these benefits lead to deeper fulfillment, peace, and joy.

Maturity is a lifelong process. The Father will continue to grow His children until He brings them home. Seek God's wisdom and truth, and ask Him to reveal anything holding you back from a beautiful friendship with Him. He wants to walk closely with you all your days—and eternally.

Happy New Year

With Jesus! Cast all

your cares on Him

for He cares for you so much!

May our Lord and Savior
keep you in His loving hands,
i pray He will comfort you,
strengthen you and bring
healing in all areas
of your body, mind, Spirit
and all areas of your life.
May God richly bless
you this day and always


Please Come Say Hi to me