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Good Morning Precious Friends and Visitors* How are you today? How was your weekEND?

Peek a boo

How are you this
Monday Morning?
We are doing great,
and we are praising
our Abba Father God.
What an awesome
Lord we serve!

Coffee, and
breakfast is ready,
please hurry over
and share with us ok..
It is such a huge blessing
to be here with you.
Did you have a nice weekend?
We did, we rested, and watched some
great old movies we taped last week.
Hope you were able to get some good
rest and enjoy some good
fellowship, and t.v.programs.
I love you so very much
and pray that you will have
a few minutes to come say
hi and share all that is
on your heart.

((Big Heart Hugs))
i love you all so very much
Sunday Inspiration
Is From:
In Touch Ministries
Philippians 1:6
No one is exempt from facing obstacles. Even as babies, we all had to overcome a lack of balance and strength in order to stand and take that first step. And learning to place one foot in front of the other involved some falling. But in order to walk well, we had to get up and try again.
Consider the difficulties that the Lord faced as He pursued His goal of salvation for mankind: Jesus was ridiculed, rejected, and misunderstood. However, Luke 9:51 illustrates His focus: "When the days were approaching for His ascension, He was determined to go to Jerusalem." The Lord, knowing that He would be sentenced to death in that city, let nothing deter Him from going there.
There are several things we can do to gain this attitude of persistence. The most important is to set goals under God's leadership—challenging goals that demand our best and require His help. Then, developing a passion to make the goal a reality will likely drive us toward our desired outcome.
In addition, we should refuse to listen to criticism and instead surround ourselves with people who will encourage us. Certain steps may fail, but we should look for a personal lesson in every defeat. Finally, we are to believe that we can reach the goal, and then must rely on God to enable us.
Biblical success means two things: achieving what the Lord calls you to do and becoming the person He desires you to be. Seek His specific goals for your life. Persevering through obstacles will be a faith-building adventure that teaches you to depend on the heavenly Father.

Merry Christmas from our

home to yours!

May our Lord and Savior
keep you in His loving hands,
i pray He will comfort you,
strengthen you and bring
healing in all areas
of your body, mind, Spirit
and all areas of your life.
May God richly bless
you this day and always


Please Come Say Hi to me