www.kellstransportmuseum.com - Irelands Operating Bus Museum

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www.kellstransportmuseum.com - Irelands Operating Bus Museum
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Desde Ecuador!!!!

sorry, I don´t english... but.... quiero que sepan que estoy muy contenta de que hayan su grupo turistico haya visitado mi linda tierra Bucay. Aunque el tren y sus vias esten en pesimas condiciones, espero hayan disfrutado del buen clima y las deliciosas frutas que alli hay. Deseo que pronto regresen para quedarse un buen tiempo alli, con gusto los atenderemos. Cuando deseen contactenme.

Re: Desde Ecuador!!!!

As soon as I can translate your reply I will answer it. If anyone reading this site understands spanish perhaps they would be good enough to translate on the board for me.

Michael Grimes

Re: Re: Desde Ecuador!!!!

They said:

I want to share with you that I am very happy to have had your tourist visiting my lovely region of Bucay. Even though the train and the lines are in dreadful condition,I hope you enjoyed the good climate and delicious fruit there. I hope
you come back soon to have a good time there, and we will welcome you with pleasure. Contact me whenever you want.

no sirves lammoglia ruiz

no sirves viste en mi gira en mexico solo eres esto doctor xxxpornstarclassics.com/61005gd/indexa18.htm