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New Theory

I have reason to believe the treasure was transferred from Thomas Beale to John Beale a privateer who rescued prisoner's on Johnson Island

Re: New Theory

Bruce watson
I have reason to believe the treasure was transferred from Thomas Beale to John Beale a privateer who rescued prisoner's on Johnson Island
As I said in the other thread where you posted this exact same thing; What reason would that be? Evidence please.

Re: New Theory

Look up John Yates Beall civil war Johnson Island look up his net worth in1864 he was from the same area Thomas was from Thomas said he wanted to give the money to relatives. I think that happened.

Re: New Theory

I could not send you my 2 pgs as the Bravenet is just a chat line. Librarian here says
a scan page cannot be sent on this forum. If you supply your e-mail address, I will
send off the pages. Robert Lewxian

Re: New Theory

Re: New Theory

Interesting theory, Bruce. Unfortunately, I don't believe it is true. I dug into some of my papers and publication subscriptions and could not find any familial link between John Yates Beall and Thomas Beale. There is also no historical record of these two men ever having met. Also of note is the fact that John was a prominent businessman who owned a large plantation and more than one hundred slaves, so his wealth is self-explanatory and doesn't need a conspiracy theory to make sense of it.

I understand, Lewxian. You can email me on I look forward to seeing what you have. It will be refreshing to see some actual documents instead of the endless stories with no evidence that plague all the treasure forums.

In my mind, real treasure hunting begins with historical research. 99% of all theories can be dismissed with a cursory investigation into existing historical records.

Re: New Theory

You Might be right John I believe Thomas had control of his money till he died in 1863 and if he was a mason logic tell me his money went to the war effort. Just a guess. John and Thomas grew up in the same area. Since John was doing covert operations on Union soil logic tells me he would of changed his name even by a letter or two. John had boxes of gold with him in his rescue attempt of 20 generals on Johnson Island he was going to divide with the generals once he rescued them . John left Buffalo NY and headed to Johnson Island on a converted merchant steamer the steamer was only 50 feet long has two bronze cannons and Two chests of gold . He never made it he took a direct hit in the port side by a Union gun boat and sank John survived only to be hung by the union in 1864. ??? Do you think we have Two Beale treasures . Or only one???

Re: New Theory

I don't think we have any Beale treasures. The original Beale treasure was a hoax to sell pamphlets and his story.

And I've never heard of the other man leaving a hidden treasure. His wealth was distributed and lost over time throughout his family lineage, as is the case with most families.