Three Wishes: Grace Mercy Peace.
Well, everyone is now globally aware 2004 didn't end well. Rather it ended disaster us; worst in many years, about 150,000 dead already, and from a Big WAVE from law, which many compromised with, to the point of more of the same, more 'rule of law' being forced upon the world, giving such "law worketh wrath" not only place, but power to work "wrath".
Why(?) should be on everyone's mind. Why merciless wrath? An act of God? Not in my Bible! It's really quite simple, 'elementary dear watson': "law worketh wrath": Rom 4:15.
American 'rule of law' being poured upon Isarealis 'terror of law' (Deut 34:12) with 'force' is not only law law, and as law law as pouring gasoline on a raging hell fire and wondering why(?) it didn't go out; For law is a 'merciless' killer of all in it's path ("as in Adam all die"), and in divers places, whenever it's given place and power(gospel) to steal, kill, and destroy.
Sure enough, Americah did give place and power to 'rule of law', to "law worketh wrath", and almost as if a second beast ("more the child of hell") gave it's power to a first beast ("child of hell") in Revelation. The result: disaster us. Costly! Not only in monetary aid and funerals and rebuilding, but in lives. Thereby all suffer, many perish, as fools give place and power to law, to law worketh wrath. Hello!
It's now a globe-all issue, has been since 1967, for since 1967 'global graphs' have been 'shooting forth' as if sprinting to the end of a race, perhaps the human race, and it's a winner take all race between law and grace.
Thank God where Law: sin & death abound, Grace: mercy & peace "much more" abound... to the point it is now reported "peace is breaking out all around the world" inspite of what the media portrays for those who would have a feeding frenzie on Horeb-bull things, such as the "affliction of souls" at Yom Kippur, the "day of atonement". For Christ's sake people, pure religion paid a "visit" (not ransom) to those "afflicted" with a bad case of life + death = a dead end, via such grace + law = wrath given place.
Thank God the end ("where no law there no transgression", when no law sin not imputed) is already written. So where his angel plays the last trump it there is no mention of law at all, only grace with you all (Revelation 22:21). Such is not just the conclusion of Revelation, but of the Holy Bible containing Old & New Testaments.
The problem is ignorance. The solution is awareness. And I'm not talking the childish blame game, but the awareness game of man kind, the "man" kind God said "let us make": one man kind, the "perfect" sort, as "merciful" as our Father in "heaven" is; not wrathful as law was, but is not, yet is; nor any bi-polar schizoid oxymoronic mixture of mercy + wrath via a mixture of grace + law, which is as good + evil, witch ends badly for all, not some only.
My goal for 2005 is to be more uncompromising, no more 'compromising' with merciless "law worketh wrath", not even the better sort of law law in Romans 8:2 which is notably in "Christ Jesus" which is mirrorly the reverse of "Jesus Christ" which is the only foundation laid we should build upon; and the same (merciful) yester day, to day, and for ever; Not to mention God given victory and peace with God is "through" Jesus => Christ: the end of the law. Not to mention Paul The Apostle, "his witness unto all men", is an apostle of "Jesus Christ". Not to mention such said: God hath not apppionted us unto wrath (law worketh wrath) and such things are an "allegory".
The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.
Daniel Miles
On the contrary, God, His Grace, is merciful.
Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
It seems we all are one have a global problem to solve, and soon. For we're not only talking global warming, but global disasters if we don't stop giving place to "law worketh wrath". For as we've seen, in hurricanes x 4 in Florida, typhoons x 4 in Japan, then tsunami in S.E. Asia, law can be merciless, to many at once, or here and there in diverse places. It can come in the form of storms or pestilences, etc, for law is also the source of infirmities.
And we can't go on fooling ourselves thinking there is safety in law, in law worketh wrath, especially now it's beyond 2,000AD, and the prophetic third day which is also the seventh day when counting the days in John 1 & John 2:1. For at such a sabbatical time it's a shewdown of best vs worst of times, kinda like a Sabbaths war between law and grace, the pendulum swinging from best to worst.
Many Christians have been duped into the better sort of two laws in Romans 8:2, thinking they are safe in such, but not so. For even the better sort of law is in Christ Jesus, which is the reverse of Jesus Christ. Thereby the second gives place to the first like the second beast in Revelation gives place to the first. It's law<=law, not to mention it's absurd to say law makes you free of law. Yet such folk say it's absurd not to have law. Such gives place to law worketh wrath. Dilemna.
Problem is many have a vested interest in law, like many had a vested interest in tourism in Indonesia, and would not heed the warnings of Smith, who was called a crackpot; But is now reinstated as vice minister in charge of their early warning system. That's fine concerning tsunamis, but what about the other 8 million ways to die law can work it's wrath?
We need to ask ourselves if ministers and priests really want sin to be purged, abolished to the point of blot out. For they have a vested interest in sin imputation, a monetary interest, also books, vidoes, tapes, etc, many ministers and evangelists peddle. They all die like the law priests of Hebrews 7:23; after telling ya they can offer ya eternal life.
Do doctors, nurses, medical researchers, etc, really want illness eradicated? They all have a vested interest, careers to hang on to, loans to pay, families to feed. Will they let go of law, which is the real source of infirmities, and also a ministration of death? And if not, well it gives place to law worketh wrath as well as to infirmities.
Do police really want crime to stop? They have a vested interest in crime, and the only thing which defines any thing as a crime, any one as a criminal, is the law. So they have a vested interest in the law, as do lawyers, judges, court workers, etc.
Do undertakers really want death to stop? They say it never gets easy, just familiar, sitting with grieving relatives; but would they give up law to stop it.
The list of those having some sort of vested interest in law is endless. Funny thing is Gentiles were never given the law, just feared it, which is what made it a global thing. And Jews, well those under the law at Mt Sinai are biblically reported to have "well said" it should not be spoken to them again (see Heb 12:19; Deut 5:25; Deut 18:16; etc). That is why(?) the gospel of Christ: the end of the law, is firstly to the Jew.
Yet here we are beyond 2,000AD, still claiming we're espoused to His Grace, and all fornicating with law; For if any do it, it's all did it. There is no respect of persons with God.
We all are one. One what? Fool, hypocrite, viper, child of hell; or worse: more the child of hell. For those called fools in Mt 23 sat in Moses' seat: law.
The "grace" of our Lord "Jesus Christ" with you all. Amen.
Two beasts of Rev 13 are two laws of Rom 8; And the result of many being sow dog gone law <= law is a latter end worse (instead of a latter end better):
the KINGDOM,is=righteousness Peace and Joy!
right?sermon on the MOUNT?
WANT mercy=give mercy,HEY AM I ''getting IT?
Hi Al,
Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
You may be right, of left/right, but perhaps not yet getting it: understanding; Which is above such left/right, just as "a more excellent way" (the new and "living" way: charity "never faileth") is above broad/narrow ways, also above forgiving one another.
Looking closer at Rom 14, where it speaks of righeousness, and peace, and joy in the "Holy Ghost" (Witch can be followed by destruction, as it did for all them saved out of Egypt in Jude 5, via their grace + law is as life + death); And looking closer at the end of Rom 14, we find mention of "whatsoever is not of faith is sin". And going on into Gal 3, we find the same writer mentioning "the law is not of faith". So law is sin and sin is death by reasoning, when giving more earnest heed to what's been said.
Doing the math, or connecting the dots of Rom 14:23 and Gal 3:11, law is associated with sin, witch brings forth death: Rom 8:2; 1Cor 15:56; Jam 1:15. In fact law is both source: Rom 5:13 and strength: 1Cor 15:56 of sin, and notably a deadly "sting". Not to mention law is called a ministration of death: 2Cor 3. So the objective is not to jump the gun, nor get carried away with being right of left/right, but to endure to the end to be saved, instead of saved + destroyed by getting suckered with grace + law.
And when comparing Holy Ghost vs Holy Spirit, as if two spirits of error vs truth in 1Jn 4 we should try to see which is witch, we find in Heb 3 the Holy Ghost is easily "provoked" by some to destroy all, and can be "tempted", two things that God is not.
So, let us give more earnest heed to what's been said, as noted in Heb 2, to "escape" law worketh wrath, destruction thereof such a "snare" and deadly "sting" of devilish law => sin => death. Let us "consider", as noted in Heb 3, the man "Christ Jesus" (law thereof, temporal life thereof), and Mosaic law of the Holy "Ghost", as if Destroyer. Let us consider the end of Hebrews is "Grace with you all. Amen." (not law with you all, nor a dble Amen, amen to being blessed + cursed by grace + law).
Let us not get carried away with "righteousness" in the Holy "Ghost", for "Christ" of "Jesus Christ" is the end of the law "for righteousness" of such left/right. Not to mention all those who tried to attain righteousness of the law failed to in Rom 9:31.
Let us not get carried away with false peace, when the pattern was "division" (not peace) before the cross and "peace" (not division) after the cross, where law got nailed as the "enmity". Not to mention "them" who say: "Peace and safety" (Grace and law, safety in law, in rule of law, in due process of law, saying there must be or should be a law) all get "destruction" upon them for what they say, and it's notably the "no escape" sort in 1Thess 5:3, and for "them all" in Lk 17: 27-30 via their Son of Man, which is not the Son of God, for God is not a man.
Let us not get carried away with joy in the Holy Ghost, as many do; And as if taking joy or pleasure in brethren being tormented or killed by childish law law imputing sin for the "hell" of it. Taking joy, pleasure, or being law "blessed" by reading or hearing of it, as in Rev 1:3, is $ick-o (in my opinion). For "that God" in "Christ" reconciling the world unto himself, did NOT impute transgression (sin); For law imputed sin makes sinners all, and sin when "it is finished", brings forth death (upon all, even upon those who did not law or sin: Rom 5:14).
God notably took no pleasure in sacrifice: Ps 40:6; Neither requested nor wanted any sacrifice, which is "of the law": Hos 6:6; Mt 9:13; Heb 10. The point being "sacrifice" (slaughter) which is "of the law", of "law worketh wrath", is "destruction"; rather than salvation. Salvation is by "grace" void of law law.
The point of the allegoric God Shew is to shew who is the only Potentate of Law or Grace (Christ Jesus or Jesus Christ; Son of Man or Son of God; Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit). It is His Grace, the grace and truth of JC, the Spirit(God) of grace and Spirit(God) of truth which came by JC, making the truth known unto you, all the KofG within you).
The "grace" of our Lord "Jesus Christ" with "you" all. Amen.
Daniel Miles