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Happy First Monday of 2010 We Miss u Please Come Say Hi

Good morning
Precious Praying
Family of God:
How was your 1st
New Years weekend?
Our was really nice,
we did alot of praying, reading,
and watched some good old
turner Classic movies from
the 1930's and 1940's that
we taped this week.
Also lots of football games
Did you see any?
((((Group Heart Hugs)))

Breakfast is ready,
Come say hi ok
Praise the Lord!!!
How are you today??
Thank you
for coming over
to say hi to us. I am so glad
to see our members coming
and going and sharing with
us all, that means we are all
connected here and caring
about each other; please come
back each day ok, and share
a scripture, prayer or
anything that comes
to your mind and heart.

For though a righteous
man falls seven times,
he rises again…
” (Proverbs 24:16a, NIV).
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

Life is full of things that try

to push us down. We all

face disappointments and setbacks.

Maybe you got some bad

news concerning your health

or maybe a relationship didn’t

work out. That was a setback.

It’s easy to get discouraged

or lose your enthusiasm or

even be tempted to just settle

where you are. But if we’re

going to see God’s best, we

have to have a “bounce

back” mentality. That means

when you get knocked down,

you don’t stay down. You

get back up again.

You have to know that every

time adversity comes against

you, it’s a setup for a comeback!

Remember, as a believer,

the same power that raised

Christ from the dead lives

on the inside of you.

There is no challenge too

difficult, no obstacle too

high, no sickness, no

disappointment, no person,

nothing that can keep you

from your God-given destiny.

If you stay in faith, then

God will turn what was

meant to be a stumbling block

into a stepping stone, and

you’ll move forward as a

champion full of faith and victory!

A Prayer for Today

Father in heaven, thank

You for setting me up for

success in everything I do.

I choose to trust and rely

on You knowing that Your

plans are for my good.

I know my best days are ahead

of me and look ahead to the

blessings You have in

store for me.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Lets Pray
Dear Father God,
Please order my thoughts today.
Place in my mind those things that
are a priority to You,
Those things that will establish divine
order in this life
You have given me
Take away the thoughts, habits, attitudes
which create fear and keep me from being
in alignment with Your will.
Help me to see things through Your eyes,
according to Your law.
Take away every thought, want,
and unconscious urge that can place me
on the treadmill of pain and confusion.
Fill my mind with Your will, Your way,
Your desire for me today.
Help me to see all
things from a divine
perspective today,
a perspective of love,
peace and joy.
And then, Lord, guide
me to act accordingly.
Thank You, God
May you have a blessed, safe,
& Holy Spirit Filled,
Healthy, Healing New Year
Filled with Many Miracles.
Sending Many Prayers

Happy New Year

With Jesus! Cast all

your cares on Him

for He cares for you so much!

May our Lord and Savior
keep you in His loving hands,
i pray He will comfort you,
strengthen you and bring
healing in all areas
of your body, mind, Spirit
and all areas of your life.
May God richly bless
you this day and always


Please Come Say Hi to me

Re: Happy First Monday of 2010 We Miss u Please Come Say Hi

Hi Faith

I am here.
I am fine,and blest.

May you have a nice week.

I am happy to come here everyday
to share things that I find and write.
Hugs and love in Jesus,
