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Hell, torment forever or just a preacherman's scare story?

Mr. Miles,
What do you think about this? I say it's an oxymoron. Jesus said keep my commandments and you shall enter into eternal life. If you don't keep his commandments and are tortured forever, is that not eternal life also? I believe that the everlasting punishment is the outer darkness of nothingness He speaks of. The second death is the final death of the "soul". Jesus said fear Him who can kill both body and soul, not the one who can kill only the body.
Peace unto you Mr. Miles.

Re: Hell, torment forever or just a preacherman's scare story?

Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Oops, there you go making up scriptures to suit yer theory again. Let's stay with what is written, and we'll not get off ended, but endure to the end, to be saved(only) by grace(only).

Fear hath torment. The root source of fear is Law. Psalms and Proverbs tell you the shew begins with fear, and also note such is of the LORD, not of God. Isaiah 11 also begins and ends with fear, of the LORD; which is as seven spirits more wicked. For to begin with fear of the LORD is ok, natural, but to end with fear of the LORD is not ok, spiritual. So then even though law is both natural and spiritual, it's not intended to be the spirit-u-all, since it is as spiritual abuse, destructive. Hence we're told to sort out natural and spiritual, and to compare spiritual things(laws) with spiritual(grace), till we learn law is spiritual abuse, abusivie. Grace is also spiritual, but never abusive. So the end is grace us.

God is perfect love void of fear. As for Jesus, who says both fear and fear not, well, both are law based and both produce fear, which produces torment, for ever, till you flush all law, and thereby all torment.

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

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Replying to:

Mr. Miles,
What do you think about this? I say it's an oxymoron. Jesus said keep my commandments and you shall enter into eternal life. If you don't keep his commandments and are tortured forever, is that not eternal life also? I believe that the everlasting punishment is the outer darkness of nothingness He speaks of. The second death is the final death of the "soul". Jesus said fear Him who can kill both body and soul, not the one who can kill only the body.
Peace unto you Mr. Miles.

Re: Re: Hell, torment forever or just a preacherman's scare story?

Mr. Miles,
You kill me again. Tell me which part I made up when I said Jesus said something and I will quote the scripture. I don't make up things Mr. Miles when I say Jesus said. Now you accused me of making it up. Please be specific in what part when I made up something that Jesus said. If your gonna saysomething like that, back it up!

Re: Re: Re: Hell, torment forever or just a preacherman's scare story?

I did not think so. Here are the quotes anyway.
Matt 19:16-17, Matt 10:28

Try not to break the 9th commandment anymore please. Oh that's right, you don't believe in it?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Hell, torment forever or just a preacherman's scare story?

Guy, ap,
fGoF atLJC

Repeat of law is law law.
Grace is not law law.

TgooLJCwya. Amen.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hell, torment forever or just a preacherman's scare story?

And this post is over.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hell, torment forever or just a preacherman's scare story?

indeed, let it end as written:
The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with YOU all. Amen.