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This forum is dedicated to my pal Jack and his friends so we can stay in touch with each other. I've gotten to know Jack personally and he's the sweetest and greatest guy I've ever met.  He's a wonderful, loyal and caring friend to all his fans. "Jack, you rock pal."   I've enjoyed putting this site together and hope you'll enjoy staying in touch with old friends as well as make new ones.  Thank you for supporting Jack and all his friends.  "Jack, we love you pal".  If you would like to join the Yahoo group, click on the photo to the left and on the main page, scroll down to the bottom to the "stevenandjackfans" button.
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Welcome To Steven's Jack Scalia Fan Members Message Board
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Hi Everyone (Leaving for NYC)

Hey :)

Just wanted to say hello and touch base with all of you. As some of you know, I'm leaving this Sat for NYC and will return on the 14th of August. I hope all of you are doing well and look forward to sharing photos of my trip when I return and hopefully, start the new web site conversion. It's been really busy this week doing last minute stuff, you know how that goes :).

Anyway, stay safe and talk to you when I get back, I'm updating the TV listings on the web site shortly, so that'll be current, sorry I didn't do it last month, didn't have much time and wasn't much in the mood with everything going on here and my sick cat which is going in for surgery tomorrow to have his thyroid removed. He's our oldest one and I'm worried about him.

Ok, got a lot to do, so talk to you when I get back.


Steven :)

Re: Hi Everyone (Leaving for NYC)

Hi Steven,

Hope you enjoy your visit here to NYC. We have been having a heat wave here in NY but it is supposed to let up starting today so I jope it will be nice there. If you want some good BBQ down there near the theatre district, try VIRGIL's on W44th St. near Broadway and near Good Morning America studios. Also across from GMA, off Broadway is CARMINE'S Italian restaurant on W44th or 46th St. Try to make reservations at Carmine's. I think you'll enjoy both places. When I was at Virgil's in April, I saw Joan Rivers checking into the Millenium Hotel across the street. Also, saw many OLTL stars that day performing at a charity event at the GMA Studios.
So much to see--Have Fun.

Re: Re: Hi Everyone (Leaving for NYC)

Hey Karylee,

Thanks for the info. Yeah, I have reservations to several restaurants in NY reserved, barbaque isn't my top list choice LOL. I like to eat other things when I'm away from home.

I thought about going to Carmines, but if that's the one with the comedy show, I decided to not do that one since they no longer serve dinner. Maybe that was Carolines Comedy club, I can't remember, so many reservations and I've made changes to a couple of them. I'm also trying the B Smith's restaurant which I hear is a new one, in addition to the Grand Central Oystar Bar. Palm Steak House is another and there's a couple of mexican places too I'm going to try. That's all I can remember right now :).

Hey I was thinking, do you live in NYC? I can't remember, maybe we can get together and have lunch or dinner at one of these places since I have all my reservations booked for 2 people. Call me if you're interested, my number is 512-695-1299. I've been looking for someone to hang out with but haven't found anyone. Anyway, wanted to make the offer to you. If you do want to do something together, call me, since I can't access the Net in my room, I can e-mail from my phone so you can contact me that way also.

Talk to you later :)


Re: Re: Re: Hi Everyone (Leaving for NYC)

Hey Steven,

Sorry, but I live a couple of hours from NYC. But thanks for the invite. You are thinking of Caroline's, not Carmine's. Try Carmine's but your choices of Restaurants are good ones. Just be ready for NYC prices. Remember it's the most expensive city in USA except for maybe San Francisco.

Have Fun,