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This forum is dedicated to my pal Jack and his friends so we can stay in touch with each other. I've gotten to know Jack personally and he's the sweetest and greatest guy I've ever met.  He's a wonderful, loyal and caring friend to all his fans. "Jack, you rock pal."   I've enjoyed putting this site together and hope you'll enjoy staying in touch with old friends as well as make new ones.  Thank you for supporting Jack and all his friends.  "Jack, we love you pal".  If you would like to join the Yahoo group, click on the photo to the left and on the main page, scroll down to the bottom to the "stevenandjackfans" button.
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Re: Hey Everyone-I HAVE moved on & doing well

Hi Marcia,

Glad to hear from you. Thanks for the birthday wish. Yeah, it's been busy around here getting ready for NYC, etc. I'm looking forward to seeing Jake (that's Jacob's nickname) :). I'm hoping to get a chance to talk to him, I do have front row seats at the broadway show, got my batteries yesterday for my camera, so that's ready to go.

I'm glad you've moved on with your life, that helps a lot too, it did me after the fan club break up, that's what we all have to do, is move on with our lives, do other things to help us cope with issues, you know what I mean. Anyway, I didn't know Karen was going back to college this coming Fall. Congrats Karen, what are you studying?

Speaking of workong on the house, we're still working on ours, remodeling that is. Our conractor is appearing here and there between other jobs. Sometimes, I want to smack him him for not showing up more then he does, but he's taken some hits earlier this year from bad deals, etc. so I understand what he's going through.

Keep in touch, nice hearing from you again :)
