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This forum is dedicated to my pal Jack and his friends so we can stay in touch with each other. I've gotten to know Jack personally and he's the sweetest and greatest guy I've ever met.  He's a wonderful, loyal and caring friend to all his fans. "Jack, you rock pal."   I've enjoyed putting this site together and hope you'll enjoy staying in touch with old friends as well as make new ones.  Thank you for supporting Jack and all his friends.  "Jack, we love you pal".  If you would like to join the Yahoo group, click on the photo to the left and on the main page, scroll down to the bottom to the "stevenandjackfans" button.
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Welcome To Steven's Jack Scalia Fan Members Message Board
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Sorry I'm late on the well wishes Steven. You know I was in Colorado. So you're 34 huh? Your still a pup! Hope you had a wonderful Birthday and I hope things go well in Houston. I know you are excited about NY too. Lucky you!!

Colorado was great. We are thrilled having a place there now and intend to go at least once or twice a year to visit until we can build our little home there. The mobile home will work find until we can do that. I can't even describe the beauty or excitement out there. Blake and I are in heaven. :) Let me know if you want to see pictures and I'll send some.

Thanks for asking and I hope your birthday was exciting too!

Take care,


Hey Marissa,

Wow, sounds like you had a wonderful time in Colorado!! So now you have "a second home" in Colorado. Good for you and Blake!

Also, "Happy Birthday", Steven. Enjoy! My birthday is Sat., the 15th, but I have long long ago passed the 34 mark!LOL

Take Care,


Thanks Karylee! We honestly couldn't be happier. It truly is a peace of heaven and a place to escape this dirty, hateful, crazy, maddening world. I didn't think such a place existed but thankfully we found it. We hope to move there sooner than later. We don't want to wait until retirement but we can vacation on it until we do move and build. :)

Hope all is well with you. Nice to hear from you.



Hi Steven,
Sorry about the late birthday wishes, but I hope you had a great birthday also! Many happy returns!


Hey Karen, Karylee, Marisa,

Thanks guys for the b/d wishes :). Yeah, things have been hectic last few days getting ready for Houston and last minute details (errands, etc).

Hey Marisa, I know you'll enjoy Colorado! It sounds great, and yes, I would like some pictures too. I plan on posting pictures of NY when I get the new web site up and running (I know, keep saying it, will get there eventually) :), the php site that is. Anyway, I'm excited about that trip, I've even inquired about maybe getting into ABC's studios to see AMC tape. That would really be great! Hey, karen, who knows, maybe I'll be an extra on their show :). I hope to see Jacob too, he's an awesome dude.

Hope everyone else is doing good, will talk to you when I get back next week from Houston. Hey Marisa, thanks for the pup comment, some days I feel much older then that LOL.
