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Welcome To Steven's Jack Scalia Fan Members Message Board

This forum is dedicated to my pal Jack and his friends so we can stay in touch with each other. I've gotten to know Jack personally and he's the sweetest and greatest guy I've ever met.  He's a wonderful, loyal and caring friend to all his fans. "Jack, you rock pal."   I've enjoyed putting this site together and hope you'll enjoy staying in touch with old friends as well as make new ones.  Thank you for supporting Jack and all his friends.  "Jack, we love you pal".  If you would like to join the Yahoo group, click on the photo to the left and on the main page, scroll down to the bottom to the "stevenandjackfans" button.
*************Board Rules*********************
 Please keep in mind this is a public forum anyone can access.  Feel free to say whatever you want as long as it's not degrading or hurting others.  Any derogatory or profane comments to other members or anyone else in any fashion found on this board WILL be dealt with appropriately.
Also, this forum is strictly for Jack Scalia fan members on this site.  Please do not quote or copy content from this or other web sites, as this content will be removed due to copy right restrictions.  Thank you for your understanding.

Welcome To Steven's Jack Scalia Fan Members Message Board
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Update on Amber

Hey guys... WHAT A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Went to the drs. Tuesday and they took X-Rays.... I have a chip/fracture bone in my foot being hit by that truck... So she sent me to a foot dr.... And he put me in walking cast.. I have to go back in 2 weeks to see him... So thats why I am in so much pain... The dr. gave me pain med... I am sleeping better... Amber

Re: Update on Amber

Hey Amber,

Sorry to hear about your foot injury. I'm glad you finally found out what was cauing the pain. I know how that is, I was rear ended a few years ago which I still have back and neck pain/spasms from. I also take pain meds whic help. Keep us posted :).
