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Welcome To Steven's Jack Scalia Fan Members Message Board

This forum is dedicated to my pal Jack and his friends so we can stay in touch with each other. I've gotten to know Jack personally and he's the sweetest and greatest guy I've ever met.  He's a wonderful, loyal and caring friend to all his fans. "Jack, you rock pal."   I've enjoyed putting this site together and hope you'll enjoy staying in touch with old friends as well as make new ones.  Thank you for supporting Jack and all his friends.  "Jack, we love you pal".  If you would like to join the Yahoo group, click on the photo to the left and on the main page, scroll down to the bottom to the "stevenandjackfans" button.
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 Please keep in mind this is a public forum anyone can access.  Feel free to say whatever you want as long as it's not degrading or hurting others.  Any derogatory or profane comments to other members or anyone else in any fashion found on this board WILL be dealt with appropriately.
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Welcome To Steven's Jack Scalia Fan Members Message Board
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Jack Scalia Website Update!

Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to let yall know that Jack's website is still being worked on and will be ready soon! Some new photos that will be on the site will include Jack's graduation pic from high school, never before seen ad's and modeling shots from GQ magazine, and never before seen pics from Jack's personal collection of his modeling days in Europe.

Hope everyone is doing well!



Re: Jack Scalia Website Update!

Hey Karen,

Happy St. Patrick's Day too and everyone else. Didn't even know it came and went LOL.

That's great Karen, I can't wait to see the pics. I didn't know Jack was ever in Europe :). That's one place I would like to visit one day.

Hope everyone is doing well, In case you're wondering why I hadn't updated the web site TV listings, etc. I have to fix the home page to get it working again on my off line copy (I lost my back up on CD and had to re-download it from the server). I've been busy with stuff off line and have a full week next week with appointments, etc. I'll get to it as soon as I can. Thanks for everyone's patience.



Re: Jack Scalia Website Update!

Hi Karen!

Thank you for the news.I cant wait the pictures,too.

We had a public holiday here last week and I spent 2 days with my mom.We went to Wien/Vienna together and laughed a lot.It is so close from Budapest, but my mom was there almost 20 years ago.
Hope, everything is well with you and yours!

Take Care

Steven, I tried everything that you wrote me about my computer but it isnt work. I dont understand him/her LOL.Our computer repairer will visit us today and I will ask him.

Have a nice week ( here it's raining and I have heard on radio it will snowing Wednesday.I cant belive this.)


Re: Re: Jack Scalia Website Update!

Hey there!
Thanks for the update! I am glad that you got to spend some time with your Mom, that is great! I know the older my Mom gets, it means alot. I also hope you can get your computer fixed soon! It is terrible when stuff happens to it.
Take care and talk soon!