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Welcome To Steven's Jack Scalia Fan Members Message Board

This forum is dedicated to my pal Jack and his friends so we can stay in touch with each other. I've gotten to know Jack personally and he's the sweetest and greatest guy I've ever met.  He's a wonderful, loyal and caring friend to all his fans. "Jack, you rock pal."   I've enjoyed putting this site together and hope you'll enjoy staying in touch with old friends as well as make new ones.  Thank you for supporting Jack and all his friends.  "Jack, we love you pal".  If you would like to join the Yahoo group, click on the photo to the left and on the main page, scroll down to the bottom to the "stevenandjackfans" button.
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Welcome To Steven's Jack Scalia Fan Members Message Board
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message from Steven

hi, Steven. just wanted to say Happy 2007. Steven says he has been ill recently is temporarily having computer problems, and will be reformatting his hard drive. HE WILL BE BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. He wishes everyone a happy new year and happy holidays.

Re: message from Steven

Hey Steven,
Hope you are feeling better soon! I hope everyone has a great New Year!

Re: Re: message from Steven

Hey Karen and Everyone,

Thanks Karen, I'm feeling better now, everybody I know had this bug that was going around.

Well, as you can all see, I'm back on-line, but still getting things back up and running slowly. I finally figured out why windows wouldn't install on my computer, there was a key on my keyboard that locks the function keys and that was preventing me from proceeding beyond the license agreement. Once I figured that out, I got through it! Someone at Best Buy told me about this. This applies to wireless keyboards. It's been a learning experience I'll say.

Hope everyone is doing well, talk to you soon, still have a lot of catching up to do on and off line.

P.S. If any of you have e-mailed me recently and have gotten it returned to you, it means my mail box is full right now, hadn't checked my mail in several weeks. I don't know if the mail box is full or not, but just wanted to let you know in case it was, I have to re-install my e-mail software.



Re: message from Steven

i hope you feel better

Re: Re: message from Steven

Anything new on Jack's calendar? He has been my favorite since I was 13.. That was 25 years ago when I saw him and Rock Hudson on the Devlin Connection.
Wow.. what a handsome guy!! What is so bizarre is that my father, we are 100% Italian, looks a lot like Jack. I know that is strange.. they are not identical.
love ya Jack.

Re: Re: Re: message from Steven

Hi giulia,

Thanks for the get well wish. I feeling fine now, just catching up on personal stuff right now.

Jack is a handsome guy :). I'm glad I got to meet him and he's such a wonderful and oving person to be around with. Thats great your father is Italian too and looks like Jack, there's a lot of look a likes out there. As far as what Jack is doing right now, I haven't had time to check to see what he's working on. I'll update the website as soon as I have time. I recently had to reinstall my PC and leaving town in a couple weeks, so it may be next month befoe I get around to doing that. I know he's working on some projects, you can go to and see what movies are coming out. I haven't updated the TV listings either LOL, that's how busy I've been, and I was sick too for two weeks as you've read in my prior post.

I appreciate your patience and I'll get things posted as soon as I can.

It's nice to meet you. Where are you from? Jack is a native New Yorker orignally from Brooklin. I was in NYC back in August and it was a blast. There's pictures on the web site under "Off Topic". I have some great shots of the Statue of Liberty.

Thanks for posting and stopping by, look forward to seeing you again.

Steven :)

Re: message from Steven

Thank you so much for your response. I am from Chicago, and handsome is not the word for it. He is basically a Roman god. Right?? Also, too hear that he is a nice guy is pretty refreshing news.
Best regards,