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Source of fear hath torment? Abnormal fears, phobias.

Three Wishes: Grace Mercy Peace.

Thank God people are now admitting and realizing fear is common, even epidemic, often pandemic, to the point the list of abnormal fears, called phobias, is a very l-o-n-g list: http://psychology.about.com/library/bl/blphobia_a.htm.

It is reported over 25 million americans now suffer from phobias, from such back-firing "fear hath torment". It is also reported that people in general have about 66,000 thoughts per day, and 2/3 (44,000) are negative, fearful worry thoughts; the fear of other people's opinions being near the top of the worry list.

Some have written books revealing fear is epidemic, such as Susan Jeffers (not her real name): http://www.godshew.org/Insights.htm#Books; but leave out the source of fear, throwing down such a gauntlet to others, any others but her, who either does not know or does not dare tell, due to fear. Others have written books about 100 ways to fix every day fears.

But the Bible is a book about flushing all fear, which is notably only the "beginning" of knowledge and wisdom, not the end of such, which is love out of a pure heart, perfect love, perfected love void of all fear; And because "fear hath torment" it should be "cast out", much like "dung" is cast out of the body. The Bible also reveals fear is "of the LORD", not of God; For God(love) is notably perfect(merciful) love void of fear, light void of darkness, understanding void of ignorance, grace void of law.

What is not yet commonly known is the source of such fear hath torment. Most so-called experts don't even know, and those who do know fear to tell the truth about law, which is the source of sin: Rom 5:13, and the strength of sin: 1Cor 15;56, which brings forth death: Jam 1:15, which is destruction, extinction, which people fear, have torment about, due to not knowing the truth: "grace is sufficient" (no law req'd), due to not knowing the truth about Mosaic law: it's a liar, a murder us liar from the beginning.

It's notably a great "terror" to all: Dt 34:12, the law giver thereof: Jn 1:17 being a great terror-ist himself by his own admission, and even a terror unto himself, who did "exceedingly fear and quake": Heb 12:21 at the sound of a trumpet and the voice of (plural) words: grace + law. The feedback, from those under law who heard such words: grace + law, was notably sh-it (Heb 12: 19), the it thereof being accusation-all and worldwide condemning.

God did "not" send his Son to condemn(law) the world: Jn 3:17. No, for such had already been done, by what(?) Solomon called "all vanity and vexation of spirit". Perhaps such was grace + law, "words", the oxymoronic mixture thereof having a bad ending, such as blessed + cursed = accursed: Gal 1:8, such as life + death = a dead end: Heb 7:23, which ministers thereof shall also have as their end: 2Cor 11:15.

His grace and truth, which came by Jesus Christ, will not accuse you: Jn 5:45; but Mosaic law surely will, therein revealed as "accuser of the brethren" in Revelation.

And Revelation, is defined as uncovering, "The Revelation of St John The Divine" obviously being the uncovering of John whom many thought to be divine; uncovering to see Johnny Law, the law which johnny turned back to, the great(loud) voice "behind" him trumpeting, when in the Spirit on the Lord's day(light), is not only fearful law, but deadly law. For when turned back by such, to such, he fell, as dead.

So the conlusion of the Holy Bible containing Old and New Testaments, found at the end of Revelation, is:

The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Daniel Miles
www leader for 'freedom from fear hath torment'